前一陣子工作需要在 Database 裡面儲存一棵樹的資料
在 SlideShare 上看了一篇
Models for Hierarchical Data with SQL and PHP - by Bill Karwin, Percona Inc.
以下的圖片都來自原作者的 slides
SQL statements 的部分有些是作者 slides 內的
有些是我自己在 sqlfiddle 上試寫的
以 SQLite 支援的語法為主
分別為 Adjacency List、Path Enumeration、Nested Sets 以及 Closure Table
作者以一個 bug 回報系統的討論區來作例子
(以下把節點稱作 Node)
Adjacency List
Adjacency List 算是大部分人第一時間會想到的方式
就是每一筆記錄一個 Node
然後用一個欄位來記 parent Node的 ID
新增,刪除,移動一個 Node, 或是移動子樹都很容易
-- 新增一個 Node 到 Node 5 下 INSERT INTO Comments (parent_id, author, comment) VALUES (5, 'Fran', 'I agree!'); -- 刪除 Node 7 DELETE FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 7; -- 移動 Node 6 到 Node 3 底下 (若 Node 6 不是 leaf 則會移動整個 subtree) UPDATE Comments SET parent_id = 3 WHERE comment_id = 6;查詢某一個 Node 的 children (只向下一個 level) 也不難
-- 取得 Node 2 的 children SELECT c2.* FROM Comments c1 LEFT JOIN Comments c2 ON (c2.parent_id = c1.comment_id) WHERE c1.comment_id = 2;但是要取得整顆子樹就不容易,因為必須遞迴地拿 (文章有介紹寫法,有興趣的可以去看)
Path Enumeration
Path Enumeration 紀錄更多資訊,不像 Adjacency List 只記錄 parent 的 id
這個方法紀錄了從 root 到自己的完整路徑
新增,刪除,移動一個 Node, 或是移動子樹也不難
-- 新增一個 Node 到 Node 5 下 INSERT INTO Comments (author, comment) VALUES ('Fran', 'I agree'); UPDATE Comments SET path = (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 5) || last_insert_rowid() || '/' WHERE comment_id = last_insert_rowid(); -- 刪除 Node 7 DELETE FROM Comments WHERE path LIKE (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 7) || '%'; -- 移動 Node 6 到 Node 3 底下 (若 Node 6 不是 leaf 則會移動整個 subtree) UPDATE Comments SET path = (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 3) || substr(path, instr(path, '6')) WHERE path LIKE (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 6) || '%';與 Adjacent List 不同的是,查詢某一個 Node 的子樹不難
-- 取得 Node 2 的 subtree SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE path LIKE (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 2) || '%/%';雖然投影片中說查一層 children 很難
-- 取得 Node 2 的 children SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE path LIKE (SELECT path FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 2) || '_/';
Nested Sets
Nested Sets 蠻特別的,每一筆資料存著左右兩個數字
左數是一個比所有子節點的數字小的一個數 (每個子節點也是會有左右兩個數字)
所以 root 的左數一定是所有節點的左右數中最小的
反之 root 的右數則是所有節點的數字中最大的
-- 取得 Node 2 的 subtree SELECT descendant.comment_id FROM Comments parent JOIN Comments descendant ON (descendant.nsleft BETWEEN parent.nsleft AND parent.nsright) WHERE parent.comment_id = 2 AND descendant.comment_id <> 2;但是新增,刪除,移動一個 Node, 或是移動子樹都不容易
以新增一個 Node 為例
-- 新增一個 Node 到 Node 5 下 SELECT nsleft, nsright FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 5; -- 把結果存在 $nsleft_5, SQLite 沒有支援 local variable UPDATE Comments SET nsleft = CASE WHEN nsleft >= ($nsleft_5 + 1) THEN nsleft + 2 ELSE nsleft END, nsright = nsright + 2 WHERE nsright >= $nsleft_5; INSERT INTO Comments (nsleft, nsright, author, comment) VALUES ($nsleft_5 + 1, $nsleft_5 + 2, 'Fran', 'I agree!');slides 內也說明了一下查一層 children 的困難處
其實作者也把 SQL statements 寫出來了
Closure Table
一張表存 Nodes 的資訊
以 bug 回報系統來說,就是像作者,內文之類
另一張表存每一個 Node 到它自己所有的 descendants 的路徑
投影片中更提到 TreePaths 這張表可以多存一個路徑長度的資訊
新增 Node 的時候要到 TreePaths 的表裡面建立相對應的路徑
-- 新增一個 Node 到 Node 5 下 INSERT INTO Comments(author, comment) VALUES ('Fran', 'I agree!'); -- 新增 paths, 複製指到 Node 5 的所有 paths 並把 descendants 換成新的 INSERT INTO TreePaths (ancestor, descendant, length) SELECT ancestor, last_insert_rowid(), length + 1 FROM TreePaths WHERE descendant = 5 UNION ALL SELECT last_insert_rowid(), last_insert_rowid(), 0; -- 加上一條自己指自己的 path刪除也蠻簡單的
-- 刪除 Node 7 DELETE FROM TreePaths WHERE descendant = 7; DELETE FROM Comments WHERE comment_id = 7;利用 TreePaths 裡的 length 欄位
在查詢子樹或是一層的 children 時很方便
-- 取得 Node 2 的 children SELECT c.* FROM Comments c JOIN TreePaths t ON (c.comment_id = t.descendant) WHERE t.ancestor = 2 AND t.length = 1; -- 取得 Node 2 的 subtree SELECT c.* FROM Comments c JOIN TreePaths t ON (c.comment_id = t.descendant) WHERE t.ancestor = 2 AND t.length > 0;移動應該是最麻煩的
-- 移動 Node 6 到 Node 3 底下 (若 Node 6 不是 leaf 則會移動整個 subtree) DELETE FROM TreePaths WHERE descendant IN (SELECT descendant FROM TreePaths WHERE ancestor = 6 ) AND ancestor NOT IN (SELECT descendant FROM TreePaths WHERE ancestor = 6); INSERT INTO TreePaths (ancestor, descendant, length) SELECT supertree.ancestor, subtree.descendant, supertree.length + subtree.length + 1 FROM TreePaths AS supertree JOIN TreePaths AS subtree WHERE subtree.ancestor = 6 AND supertree.descendant = 3;最後是把整棵樹從 root 開始列出來所有 Nodes
SELECT n.*, p.ancestor AS parent FROM TreePaths AS t INNER JOIN Nodes AS n ON t.descendant = n.treeNodeId LEFT JOIN TreePaths AS p ON p.descendant = n.treeNodeId AND p.length = 1 WHERE (t.ancestor = 1) AND (p.ancestor IS NOT NULL OR n.treeNodeId = 1) ORDER BY t.length;